• Member Since 27th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2022


I am a brony in Wisconsin


Rewriting Stories · 12:13am Aug 24th, 2019

Ok I've taken alot of time off especially since like I said after Season 7 ended I kind of fell out of love with MLP overall. I still like the show but I don't think it's as good as previous seasons. I've also taken time off in order to work on my skills as a writer and I've used me new found expirence to become a novelist, so since I've been able to improve as a writer I'd love to rework on some old stories and actually finish some I hadn't finished before hand. Specifically my Equestrian Wars

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Leaving the fandom · 3:41pm Nov 8th, 2017

I guess this has been coming for awhile, but with season 7. The Equestria Girls specials, and the movie passing and me feeling like the show has been ruined for me I've decided to leave the fandom. I've recently watched the season 8 animatic ti see if my interest for the show would return but it hasn't so with my interest in mlp no longer active I'm just not gonna partake anymore. Sorry guys.

Report Firestorm162 · 293 views ·

Season Five · 6:40pm Mar 5th, 2015

I recently saw the trailer for Season Five and the interview with Meagan McCarthy and one of the executive producers. I got to say I'm excited! The whole Sunset Glimmer thing, the new villain song, the whole Equality thing, King Smooze, the big thing they're building up to, the background ponies getting new screen time in the foreground! Sorry, I got carried away. Share in the hype as, MLP Season 5 airs April 4th on Discovery Family

Report Firestorm162 · 371 views ·

Trip · 1:48pm Nov 6th, 2014

I'll be in New York from tomorrow to next week. My musical group will be performing in the Veterans Day parade which can be viewed on Fox.

Report Firestorm162 · 533 views ·

60 followers · 11:08pm Oct 26th, 2014

Well, I've now gained 60 followers. I never imagined when I first started this account that I'd gain 60 followers. Thank you so much my friends and fans. I hope I don't disappoint and if I do let me know what I did wrong and I'll improve. Again thank you so much.

Report Firestorm162 · 343 views ·

Actors update · 3:33am Oct 24th, 2014

Greetings, I'm looking for actors to be in a fan animated pony series. I need voices for the main six, spike, the royals, OCs, background characters, and side characters like Discord, Flash, Sunset Shimmer, Big Mac, and the CMC. If any one is interested just say so and let me know what character you want.

Report Firestorm162 · 264 views ·

Leavening · 4:58am Oct 19th, 2014

Hello everyone. I- I guess I put this off long enough. I've been considering for a very long time on leavening the fandom. To many things have been going on in my life, and I've been losing the passion I had for the fandom, a long time ago. I'm still pondering over wether or not leavening is a good thing for me to do. I'll be thinking about my situation for a few days longer and I'll finally make a decision, so till then. I'll still be on this site just not as much as I use to be.

Report Firestorm162 · 304 views ·

Anger · 11:58pm Oct 15th, 2014

Am I the only one here really angry about the hub no longer having MLP. I can't even find the other channel Discovery Family, on tv. I swear I'm gonna be really pissed if I can't find it by season fives beginning.

Report Firestorm162 · 193 views ·

Review · 8:30pm Oct 13th, 2014

I'm looking for anyone interested in doing a review for one of my stories. If you choose to review it I'd be very grateful and I'd prefer if you went by chapter.

Report Firestorm162 · 196 views ·

Birthday · 5:01am Oct 5th, 2014

Well it's my birthday today. I don't feel the need to reveal my age, but I felt like sharing my birthday with all you amazing people. MLP Forever!

Report Firestorm162 · 243 views ·