• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2019

Silver Melodies

God has blessed the world with three things: Pizza, Internet, and Ponies. It has been scientifically proven that, without these things, life would cease to exists, for sure.

I feel like I should put something important here.

Comments ( 952 )
  • Viewing 943 - 952 of 952

I think I used to know you somehow.

2073889 I'll be working on my stories soon so see ya Silver!

2073852 Thanks, that's one of the nicest things I've heard today.

2073847 I'm sure they're good, and even if they weren't, you should write anyways :twilightsmile:

Your stories inspire me to write more sad stories. I need to work on it though...cuz..my sadfic skill sucks.

  • Viewing 943 - 952 of 952
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