• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
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the legitimacy of the grass root workers will never be questioned. the quality... ALWAYS... but the legitimacy. never.


pick one · 5:32am Jul 22nd, 2022

back street boys or nsync?

Report Twi-Guy · 149 views ·

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Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

A reverse lookup on your avatar shows the original source.

... and it's rather lovely.

I know it's been a long time.

But I was just thinking about you.

I hope your house and work situation has improved.

i can relate about the name thing, they always spell it or say it wrong. thats one way to tell the people worth talking to apart from those that arent... the ones that are will get your name right.

ive heard of that, but idk... it just seemed like a place for mean spirited trolls to go so i never went there.

2081842 Never hear... 4chan?

  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156
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