• Member Since 9th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 29th, 2019

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My look into Morality. THANKS DONUTT, YOU HELPED WITH THIS! · 5:24pm May 11th, 2015

So after reading a bit into a philosophical subject, it got me thinking. Religious thinkers often hold that there is some important connection between morality, which actions are right and which are wrong. If you were to ask someone what moral rightness is, he or she might first provide some examples of right actions. Many would agree that murder is wrong, and pursuing justice is right. But this doesn't answer the question, what is morality?

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2354248 I think you're the first person to thank for a fav personally. Besides I liked the original, it to reason I would like this.

Thanks for faving Button's Mares

1382465 Serve oue Lord with fear and rejoice. Kiss the daughter lest she be angry and ye perish from the way when her wrath is kindled but a little.

How do you do I'm just checking in. To that are cult holy words will be speared across the internet for Luna the night mother

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