• Member Since 4th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 1st, 2022

Silent Dream

Be careful what you release into the world, because you never know who your audience is, damnit.


The end of the abomination I helped create · 6:48pm Jul 11th, 2020

Hi! If you have any idea of who I am, then you know what story I used to host here. If you don't, then trust it was fucked up, sexist and misogynistic as hell, and fairly shitty because it was a sexist power fantasy.

When I got into it I was fairly fucked in the head and willing to latch onto something that, oddly, helped me feel less incomplete. For me, it was always a super fucked up submissive fantasy.

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Comment posted by Twilight is the BEST deleted Jul 11th, 2020
Comment posted by Silent Dream deleted Jul 11th, 2020
Comment posted by Twilight is the BEST deleted Jul 11th, 2020
Comment posted by DE_K deleted Jul 11th, 2020
Comment posted by Twilight is the BEST deleted Jul 11th, 2020
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