• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2016
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It’s been awhile · 5:27am Jun 4th, 2022

I’m looking for a story I read awhile ago, this won’t help many people since I don’t have the title or author all I know is the author started with von or van something along those lines. It had elements of a lot of games and shows but the main one was devil may cry, Cadence also played a big part since the main characters partner was based off of her and she was the daughter. It had a lot of commissioned art in the chapters as well. Sorry for the lengthy post and also for the lack of info but

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Brony on!

Thank you very much for favoriting The Rising!

Thanks for the fav, have a nice day <3

There is more to come :twilightsmile:

All good, I have loved the story so far mate keep it up.

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