• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2013



Passing Starstruck on to Curran · 5:44am Aug 25th, 2013

I found myself spending the last month completely overwhelmed, and I couldn't dedicate the proper time to bringing Starstruck to a proper conclusion on my own end. I've already had it written, it just needed to be proofed then uploaded to FimFiction, so the core of the work is already complete. The issue, though, was simply timing, and the fact that some later chapters written earlier needed to be reworked to be in parity with what we had. Unfortunately, the time to make these changes was

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Wow. 11 followers from your first story and still counting? Your first fic featured? I am not jelly, not jelly at all...

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