• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2019



Tablet Terror · 3:17am Jun 9th, 2014

Hello I was wondering if anyone knew of a way for a tablet to read .doc files like the chapter downloads here?

Report Windwaker100 · 289 views ·

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Thanks for the watch, baby.:raritywink:

Thank you for the watch!

You have my thanks for following me. I hope you will enjoy your stay as I try to keep to the standard that I have somehow set for myself.

Hey man, thanks a bunch for the watch! I really do appreciate it. :pinkiesad2:
Now, can I ask what made you want to hit that little follow button? :rainbowhuh:
I like your username, by the way, if it's referencing a certain Zelda title.

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