Nyahaha I think I'm just gonna delete this account · 4:51am Aug 22nd, 2015
Provided I can.
This is the first I've visited the site in a while.
I think it's safe to say I shouldn't have this account anymore.
If you happen to like any of my stories (featured only here on FIMFiction, that is), save them.
Fuck, even repost them and claim them as your own (To Babysit a Crusader would be fun to read with my name replaced with someone else's.)
This is basically a notice for anyone who actually likes the old garbage I wrote and would like to keep them alive.
Sombra was a good villain
How could it not meet my approval?
It's a beautifully written story.
By the way, I didn't have to read A Sweet Taste of Cake to fully understand it, did I?
I'm glad that my little story about two ponies still being in love met with your approval! The Fave of The Father of My Children means quite a bit to me.
I deleted mine too.
It's because it was a dumb joke,
Don't delete my comments, you wizard!