Blegh and stuff · 9:50pm Jul 13th, 2017
I should really write more... and this blog post is really just a way to try and motivate myself to do it. Here's hoping!
I should really write more... and this blog post is really just a way to try and motivate myself to do it. Here's hoping!
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Well, it be how it do. Hope you're having a good time out there.
So when are you gonna update your excellant Scratchtavia fanfic?
Hey, I just finished reading up to chapter 16 of your story, and oh boy do I love it! So far it could be becoming my favorite Taviscratch...
Maybe because it has a chance to have some conclusion, all others being put on hiatus and all.
Big support, loved reading so far, keep up the good work!
1564510 Indeed. I guess you could say that I'm living the dream. Literally.
Napping is definitely an enjoyable pastime. Nothing better than waking up on my day off, wandering around for a couple of hours then lying back down for a little afternoon siesta haha