• Member Since 29th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen July 3rd

Lux Tenebris

Creating stories is the only thing I have left where I feel like I add value to the world.

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A realization of plot or "I really should outline these damn things" · 3:44pm Oct 23rd, 2023

I am currently reading the book: Save the Cat! The Last Book on Novel Writing You'll Ever Need. This book goes over helpful tips for outlining and plotting your story, and I realize I have been doing a bad job at just that. Stories like A Changeling Named Mute and King of Cosea do have plotted-out endings and beginnings, but their middles only have a few clearly written down details. The flashbacks to Mute's past and the Quirans history are in fact plotted out, but the main

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Report Lux Tenebris · 110 views · Story: A Changeling Named Mute ·
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Thank you for the follow! I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

Ah okay got it well thank you again anyways

It is possible I read one of your stories or you favorited one of mine so I did you a small curtsy and followed you as a result.

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