This story is a sequel to A Changeling Goes to the Market
After the strange event at the market, Ponyville is on edge. Some ponies call for the capture of the strange bug-pony and others are simply too scared to go and talk to it. Twilight decides to head into the Everfree to find the bug-pony and talking pebble. She learns some strange things about them in the process.
(Featured on 2021-12-02 and marked as hot on 2021-12-03. Thank you.)
(Both this story and its prequel is on the featured feed on 2021-12-03. That is seriously high praise and I am so happy you enjoyed these two stories.)
Yes the most powerful pebble zarathon and the lord mute there rightful rule would make the royal forest to be the most powerful kingdom
Their rule shall last forever!
Lords of Cinder? More like lords of DOWNRIGHT CONFUZZLEMENT!
All shall be revealed in time. Or rather when Zarathon feels like it.
Changelings da best :)
This is beautifully confusing. Lord Sheogorath would be proud. Seriously though, love it.
Have a great day!!!!!
What puzzles me Pinkie, is how did you manage to get so much goo, out of such a small changeling.
I'm glad you liked it!
You see when a mommy changeling and a daddy changeling loves each other very much—
They are lovely aren't they?

Maud: Boulder x Zarathon is the true OTP.
So did someone throw a rock at Gwyn while he was at 1 hp to claim the "disrespect" victory, but then the rock wound up linking the First Flame? Cause that could be the comedic origin story of Zarathon.
Zarathon pebble of great power.
Given how some things are often done in Equestria due to "rule of funny", I could buy Celestia building Canterlot in a single day and Mute (armed with a single hammer in his mouth) building a palace in mere moments.
I love how people start off thinking that it's completely ridiculous that they're having a conversation with a talking pebble and end up genuinely arguing with it, getting sucked into the insanity.
If anything, it's great for Mute that this takes place (presumably) before the Canterlot wedding.
This is a concept I always thought about for a couple years, what if a single changeling lived in a house in the everfree forest just living there by themself away from the a hive and society only to be found out by the mane 6 who took a alternate path to the castle of the 2 sisters. (I have no writing skills whatsoever so I can’t use these concepts, even video game ideas are another thing I come up with but have no idea how I would use them)
This is wonderfully chaotic. I'd love to see an anthology about their adventures together changeling and demonic pebble
I lovd this story alot.
The quantity of questions within my mind has not decreased. As the Lord of Nucleosynthesis, I demand that you rectify this. As I am feeling generous, I hereby grant you leave to take as long as you require, so long as my questions are answered.
I have spoken.
My friend, I have not even played Dark Souls. I just know some memes and bosses due to internet culture.
"With the fire of the first, we rise."
You will one day understand the importance of this line.
Oh, we will get to that eventually. This is post-Discord but pre-Chrysalis.
Yeah, you don't need to know it, just that when you beat the final boss, you become the Lord of Cinder for that Age. And someone fighting the final boss could theoretically kill it just by throwing a rock at him when he's at 1 HP. Hence my joke about the rock becoming the lord of cinder.
Well, I hope I am doing your idea justice. At least part of it. Nightmare Moon and Discord has already happened.
Well, you've come to the right author.
Thank you.
Can't wait for sequel!
They shall be answered eventually. May I ask which questions, in particular, bothers your itchy mind, lord of Nucleosynthesis?
Thank you! I shall deliver one eventually!
Oh, I see, well that is kind of funny. Zarathon's existence does involve a fire, but not the dark souls one. But I may be slightly inspired by the concept I suppose.
no you were not. Not even then as by that time you had some proof. Incorrect proof but proof none the less. Still puts you far above them who feared without any proof.
i am under the impression she is squatting and has no taxes at all...
Incorrect. I could vassalize my neighbors. I would have to fight the police. If i won i would have to fight SWAT and then, so on and so forth until, i defeat the armed forces. The end goal is to kill all enemies who disagree or make them unwilling to challenge the rights.
That is how all land owning started; by blood.
Mostly Twilight's questions. Talking magical egotistical rock, weird taciturn changeling out on his own, that sort of thing. The things you put in these stories specifically because they are strange and confusing.
It has been a while since I watched the episode but I was under the impression that she also eventually fell for her own prejudice and assumed the curse was real and that Zecora was evil? Or do I simply misremember that?
Do you think Celestia's tax collectors won't reach you just because you live in the Everfree? Cute. No one can escape Sunbutt's taxes.
You can say that you are the liege lord of your neighbors but no legal entity will recognize it. You are not legally their liege lord and you will have to fight through armed forces if you want to change that. And in this case, we are not talking about a commander with an army that holds a recognized claim to a piece of land, we are talking about a pebble. A pebble with a single changeling to his name. No one will listen to his demands of vassalization because he can not legally vassalize them nor does he have the military might to forcefully vassalize them. So Twilight is still correct in stating that he can not vassalize anyone.
Scientifically fascinated horror, really.
This all somehow managed to explain everything about the previous fic and yet nothing at all at the same time--I loved it.
I hope we have more (mis)adventures of Mute and Zarathon in the future!
This is turning into quite a head scratcher series, and I'm all for it! The sheer randomness and confusion of this changeling-pebble duo is incredible, and I can only imagine how it'll be like once those two meet Pinkie Pie. After all, she has her own stack of rocks to talk with if things aren't going well.
In all seriousness, this story series truly has me intrigued. An interesting prompt, good characterization, and a nice amount of humor all tossed together to form quite a fascinating tale. I look forward to hearing more from this world, and the unrecognised royalty of Lord Zarathon/Pebble and Lord Mute. (And maybe whoever that glass mural depicts...)
You are not incorrect as Twilight did believe it was real (whether as a curse or spell effect i don't remember her going into details in her search for a counter) but that was still after something had actually happened. Which is why i called it incorrect proof. To continue the book analogy; she opened the book and found a doodle on that first blank page that she assumed the author put there... Zecora did not.
Though she might have mentioned a curse when storming her house. Possible heat of the moment?
PS: if she actually is squatting that is not a job for a tax collector; you'll instead be looking at the guard for an arrest.
I just realized Boulder exists, is Boulder the benevolent version of Zarathon? Assuming Zarathon is malicious in intent.
Foolish Twi. You forgot to bring the anger goo. I imagine there is something to study in that.
... huh.
I like it. Great success!
Upon completion this series shall either be a truly profound, original, and impactful endeavour into fanfiction that we will all look back on with wonderment for years to come. Or the most ambitious, complex, and long winded set-up for a joke that I'll ever see.
I can't wait to find out!
I just want Celestia to freak out upon the mear mention of the Lord of Cinders
I'm getting strong Alice in Wonderland levels of crazy here and I love it!
Zarathon needs to pay a visit to Maud and Boulder.
Last story, Silver was very confused didn't know what was going on.
The ending of the last story, surely Twilight will know what's going on.
This story, Twilight was very confused and didn't know what was going on.
The ending of this story, surely Celestia will know what's going on.
My prediction for next story, Celestia will be very confused and won't know what's going on.
We shall see
Maybe one day.
I did not even think about Alice in Wonderland while writing this story. But that is a nice comparison.