• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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A brony of few words who writes many.

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A Brief Update on Things (as of 6/2024) · 9:34pm June 12th

Just wanted to give a quick update on things! First off, you may have already noticed that I submitted a new fic for the May Pairing contest again this year, but I've finally added some cover art to it after the fact, so I figured I might as well bring it up anyway, in case anyone had missed it.

ESecond Hedgehog to the Right and Straight On ‘Til Changelings
Grubber will make sure his paying customer has a pleasant ride while working to fly him safely to his destination. Meanwhile, Thorax is just happy to be aboard.
Scyphi · 11k words  ·  12  0 · 180 views

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