• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
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A brony of few words who writes many.


Grubber will make sure his paying customer has a pleasant ride while working to fly him safely to his destination.

Meanwhile, Thorax is just happy to be aboard.

Judge's Pick in the May 2024 Pairing Contest.

(Due to publishing this at almost literally the eleventh hour, no cover art for now as I've got no time to make one) (Cover now added, and some minor tweaks made to the description)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Not the most amazing fanfic I've ever read, but a thoroughly pleasant read all the same.

I really like the link between these two. Grubber with life as a foot soldier (at best, maybe even not that) for the Storm King and Thorax with his life as a changeling under Chrysalis. Definitely something I can see them bond over. A very odd pairing at first glance, but one that could definitely work if you think about it.

Not sure the addition of Pharynx does much for the story though. Think it would have been fine without it.

Yeah, agreed. I'm not personally expecting it to place in the contest, but then I wasn't really trying to this year--just wanted to write something fun for it, regardless of whether or not it placed anywhere in it. :twilightsmile:

In retrospect, you're probably right about Pharynx, but then there's also a good bit more refining overall I would've liked to do with the story if I had the time, especially by the time I had gotten the draft you see here mostly finished. But by then, I pretty much literally only had hours left to submit if I wanted to get it into the contest, so it was either give up on the contest (when the contest was the whole reason I'd written the story in the first place) or commit to what I already had. I chose the latter.

Nonetheless, I'm glad I was still able to put together a decent enough tale despite the time crunch.

I disagree. The addition of Pharynx added a comedic element that, at least to me, made the story that much more enjoyable.


That's fair. To me it seemed to built up to something that didn't happen in the end. I can see it was intended as a comedic note. It just didn't work for me as such. But humour is a personal taste.

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