• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


A brony of few words who writes many.


Grubber will make sure his paying customer has a pleasant ride while working to fly him safely to his destination.

Meanwhile, Thorax is just happy to be aboard.

An entry in the May 2024 Pairing Contest.

(Due to publishing this at almost literally the eleventh hour, no cover art for now as I've got no time to make one) (Cover now added, and some minor tweaks made to the description)

Chapters (1)

When what should've been a simple visit with a geneticist for some tests ends in disaster, Spike and Gallus suddenly find themselves the targets of a deadly conspiracy.

Now, running for their very lives, they have to work together so to uncover a stunning secret that has been kept from them both...for long enough.


First Featured 2/6/2024

Chapters (21)

In order to save Winter Wishday (or at least Mane Melody's holiday decorations), Sunny and Hitch must kiss.

They have some objections to voice about this first though.

Written for Sora21 for Jinglemas 2023

Chapters (1)

As far as Goldengrape and Greta were concerned, all they did last night was meet in a diner, chat for a bit, then walk to the nearby carriage bus stop.

But somebody out there really wants everyone to believe that they also murdered someone.

Judge's pick in the May 2023 Pairing Contest.

First featured by 5/28/2023.

Chapters (4)

Following the banishment of Nightmare Moon, Equestria as a nation was thrown into turmoil, never to recover.

It collapsed completely not long thereafter.

Now, a thousand years later, it'll be up to the inhabitants that have taken its place to finish what it could not.

Honorable mention in the Choices: A Species Change Contest.

Featured 11/27/2022

Chapters (8)

A certain two employees at Fly Leaf's Books and Stationery decide to pull a Nightmare Night prank on their biggest competitor.

A new seasonal adventure for "Grief is the Price We Pay" -- more details in author's note.

Featured 10/26/2022

Chapters (1)

While at a weekend-long diplomatic summit, Prince Blueblood and Dragon Lord Ember do not hit it off well and both take the encounter personally. So much so, Ember goes well out of her way so to arrange her spending the rest of the weekend at Blueblood's mansion, just so she can spend it driving him up the wall.

Tempers are inflamed, property is damaged, and fires are started.

And yet, somehow, this arrangement might just work out okay after all.

First place winner in the May 2021 Pairing Contest.

Featured 5/27/2021

(Cover art is temporary until I can get the time to make a proper one) Proper one and some additional edits made!

Chapters (1)

Sandbar warned Gallus that he shouldn't be messing with the generator.

He should've listened to Sandbar.

Smolder got a good laugh out of it though.

Featured 4/22/2021

Chapters (1)

Ditzy Doo has long been seen as Ponyville's kind, albeit klutzy, mail mare, and seeing her around the town over the years has long been iconic to the locals.

That is until Twilight Sparkle finds out there was actually a bit more to it than was let on...

Cover art by C-Puff

Featured 2/26/2021

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Somnambulism

Gallus and Smolder have formally begun a relationship, and start out by going on a date. But of course, the first date is always the hardest...especially when they still aren't entirely sure how they want this to work.

But maybe the date's just what they need for that.


It's been a bit sporadic about it, popping in then back out a few times, but I guess saying this was featured on 10/17/2020 still counts... (now watch, it'll immediately vanish from it again now that I've added this. EDIT: yup, see, already gone again!) :rainbowlaugh:

Sequel to "Somnambulism". Reading it first is encouraged, but shouldn't have to be required--you should still be able to follow along anyway.

Chapters (8)