The new Hive has been prospering, well and truly, for a while now. But sometimes all it takes is one wrong step to disrupt the peace, and that comes with the arrival of familiar enemies. To get out of this, they'll need a little pinch of luck.
After being left behind in the badlands after her expedition is attacked by a dangerous monster, Twilight Sparkle must survive a hostile, alien environment. Lucky for her, she has some help from one of the natives: A curious changeling named Thorax.
What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.
During Equestria's annual royal summit, newly-met Shining Armor and Pharynx discover they have a fair bit in common, including a passion for homeland security, and an extremely dorky little brother/sister.
Chrysalis has been sent packing, but Twilight is no fool, and pursues. But in doing so, she discovers a hidden side to the queen that leaves her very surprised.