• Member Since 4th Mar, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a writer. Not good with descriptions, though.

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Blog Posts

  • 43 weeks
    Girlish screams, girlish screams

    Thanks to Mockingbirb I was notified of AFITP being featured on Equestria Daily for Sunset day! I’m shocked and grateful at this — thank you to Mb for notifying me and to whomever it was that added it! What a day. :heart:

    0 comments · 100 views
  • 59 weeks
    Makin’ a (sort of) comeback, baby!

    So it’s no secret that I’ve been severely lacking in my presence on this site for months on end. I’ve been checking my notifications from time to time, but that’s it—in fact I’ve found it sort of quiet around here, even from people I’m Watching, and for why I assume that is to be (beyond the site’s slow death), I offer my condolences.

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    0 comments · 104 views
  • 72 weeks
    04/03/23 (posted on 05/03/23)

    Oh, yesterday was my blog birthday! Well, happy birthday me.

    4 comments · 120 views
  • 75 weeks
    When Your Fic Gets Vaguely Mentioned

    Listening to Ep20 of Scribbler’s Them’s Writing Words and they talk about Big Mac ships… and then about Daybreaker x Big Mac, and a fic about them (nothing further than that).

    I checked with a search — my fic(s)’s still the only one for that ship. That’s a win, it seems.

    And yeah, that’s it. It took me quite a bit by surprise. That’s the post.

    4 comments · 153 views
  • 83 weeks
    A King’s Brood Status Report

    Spoiler alert: Despite my joking, it hasn’t actually been abandoned.

    While I haven’t written for MLP since September (it’s not that long, really, but I feels so), I still log on here now and then to check notifications “and stuff”.

    So someone recently added the ”Pharynx Duology” to their favourites, so I decided to quickly reread over Debris because I, for the life of me, cannot remember writing any of it beyond maybe the Feelings Forum scene?

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    0 comments · 177 views

Girlish screams, girlish screams · 5:24pm Sep 24th, 2023

Thanks to Mockingbirb I was notified of AFITP being featured on Equestria Daily for Sunset day! I’m shocked and grateful at this — thank you to Mb for notifying me and to whomever it was that added it! What a day. :heart:

Report eemoo1o · 100 views · Story: A Flash In The Pan · #equestria-daily
Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

You got Discord involved. What did you expect? :trollestia:

Who knew planning a dark Discord mystery fic would be so troublesome?

So far as I know, there are no rules against anagrams, at least. I might like to think that a story that was UNREADABLY backwards might be looked askance at under the general rules of using sufficiently good grammar and punctuation to make a story readable, and that stories should be published in English, but maybe my imagination is too harsh there.

More information (I guess) at:


The large section headed "Stories" seems to cover most of the prohibitions about format and quality?

I’m sorry, does that mean that there are rules against it? Or nah?

If I were to make a fic that was written entirely in anagrams, or even backwards, I wouldn’t be breaking any site rules, right?

The little-known site rules against anagrams and 'backwards masked' Satanic messages. :rainbowlaugh:

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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