• Member Since 9th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Moproblems Moharmoney

Because Rainbow Lasers Solve Everything

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Blog Posts

  • 22 weeks
    Dusty Trails

    It's been a fair bit of time since my last update, both fic-wise and blog-wise. I'd stepped away from the fandom for a bit, IRL, thanks to G5 not really inspiring me and a host of other reasons. I also fell into the Frozen/Parahumans rabbit hole for a bit, wrote a few things on AO3, and generally re-centred myself.

    You can thank Mockingbirb for my return.

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  • 56 weeks
    Cyberpunk Shenanigans

    With the announcement of Cyberpunk Contest winners I can finally talk about my experience judging a contest with a material prize (no insult to the Sunset X Villain contests of course).

    It was, in all honesty, a really fun time that I'd love to repeat in the future. Working in a team, seeing the vibrant multitude of stories, the sheer amount of angles taken...

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    2 comments · 154 views
  • 59 weeks

    Allegiance delves into the murky past of my Reflection-Verse, showing one of the first major long-term deviations to FIM canon. As I've highlighted before, the intent has been to roughly follow the events of the show. Sometimes things happen differently in the episodes, but the ends are more or less the same.  Other characters may replace canon ones, and the means to ends may change, but the episodes finish roughly the same...though it may not always be as literal. Thematic endings are

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  • 59 weeks
    Upcoming and Data

    I mentioned on a blog post of Silver Notes that i'd blatantly crib their style of data tracking posts. Both because it looks fun, and it's a good way of keeping up to date. First though, I thought it'd be nice to give a general update on how things are going.

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  • 60 weeks
    Sweet Old Love

    Two blogs ago, I mentioned having a May Pairings fic completed. Well, this is it!

    Everybody Needs Somebody (inspired by the Dean Martin song of the same name) came from an idea in an abandoned fic that never got off the ground. Namely that Equestria Girls Kibitz (still an assistant to Celestia, albeit in a more mundane sense in the human world) was sweet on Granny Smith.

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Dusty Trails · 7:45am February 22nd

It's been a fair bit of time since my last update, both fic-wise and blog-wise. I'd stepped away from the fandom for a bit, IRL, thanks to G5 not really inspiring me and a host of other reasons. I also fell into the Frozen/Parahumans rabbit hole for a bit, wrote a few things on AO3, and generally re-centred myself.

You can thank Mockingbirb for my return.

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Report Moproblems Moharmoney · 127 views ·
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Thanks for the fav.

Yo, welcome to the Forum! Lemme be the first to say congrats on starting a story and becoming a part of this great website of authors and readers!

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