Random Question for a Possible Fic · 10:36am Apr 8th, 2023
Hey, random question for anyone that might know the answer. But is there a confirmed timeframe for the Equestria Girl timeline? Like is it ever confirmed how much time passes between Equestria Girls and Holidays Unwrapped? (Basically is it set in the same year or not).
Happy to see that you're excited! And great to hear! Thanks for letting me know about them!
You're welcome, since who wouldn't like heart-roasting adorableness? And the next one should be coming out in a few days?! YAY!!!! Also, yes you can try to shuffle them in, that's why I was suggesting them in the first place! Though you also have my permission to modify/alter them however you deem necessary to fit them into the story, even outright replacing, adding or removing parts, since it is ultimately your story that you're writing.
I'm glad you like those two fics so much! I'm actually working on the latest fic in the series at the moment! I'm hoping it will be up in the next few days. But I'm also glad you find them as cute as I do. The ideas you suggested are also great! I'll see if I can work them into my own ideas if you don't mind.
Say, may I inquire as to when we’ll be receiving a sequel to your Fluttershy X Chrysalis stories ‘Once Bonked, Twice Shy’ and ‘How to Have Changeling Girlfriends But Keep Discord’?
Seriously, those two are completely adorable, and I’m eager to see these couple of things occur (or at least something similar);
1. The couple unintentionally coming out to Fluttershy’s friends about their relationship in a noodle incident that somehow ends with the two effectively 69-ing each other to their immense mortification and embarrassment.
2. Discord, not knowing the Fluttershy’s Changeling ‘friend’ was a) her girlfriend, and b) Queen Chrysalis herself, ends up summoning the latter for his ‘final villain showdown’ plan, only for Chrysalis to secretly start subverting and sabotaging the whole thing. And also backstabbing the other two during the final battle.
Thank you for the fave on My Dearest Twilight!