• Member Since 12th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday



I have created a group · 4:31am Jan 30th, 2016

I have created a new group: "Humans and Ponies Should be Friends". As the name suggests, it is a group dedicated to stories in which humans and ponies get along and don't fight each other as they do in far too many stories that I have seen. Any one who wishes to join is welcome to.


Report Lakeguy · 503 views · #new group #invitation
Comments ( 101 )
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Well, the Superman sequel to the Batman crossover To Cure Insanity Please Insert Ponies is out. Publishing a new chapter every Monday until it's done.

ETo Cure Insanity Please Insert MORE Ponies
In which Superman discovers the healing properties of ponies.
No One and Nobody · 58k words  ·  23  2 · 636 views

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