• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 4th, 2020



A Little Reminder about the Bush Years · 11:54pm Aug 22nd, 2016

I want to remind people about how awful the Bush years truly were.

-Free Speech Zones, which were a real thing and not a plot element in a particularly ham-handed dystopian novel.
-The phrase “hidey hole.”
-Watching a budget surplus become a massive deficit that was bigger than it even looked because the White House was just like, “Okay, we’ll just not put the wars on the books and just ask for more money for those every few months.”

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Comments ( 5 )
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well this place is dead

Salty Walrus is upon you.
Praise the Saltiness!

Just to let you know, my prereader commented on Pupa Noire, just through a reply to me, that's why I don't think it comes up in your notices.

interesting profile pic.

holy crap check hipster Stich

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