• Member Since 27th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen July 16th


A fellow fan and author. Newbie and looking to make friends here on this amazing site of ours

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I'm Out of It · 6:22pm May 23rd, 2020

Hey, Everyone. Sparkle here. I've been away for way too long. There is no excuse. No real life roadblocks getting in my way, no big problems keeping me from writing, no real issues to take care of. I just haven't felt the inspiration anymore. When it comes to me, I'm lazy, I lack motivation, and I never finish anything I do. It's just how I am. I noticed that I've been letting a lot of time pass me by recently, and for a writer that is the equivalent of death. I haven't written anything, and

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Report TheEveryDaySparkle · 489 views ·
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How have things been?

Comment posted by superfun deleted Oct 22nd, 2020

I've intended to, but school got in the way. I swear that was it. Thank you for reminding me though, Kinda got lost on the backburner. When I get time I'll get it out for you

  • Viewing 146 - 150 of 150
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Fanfics I'm Working On

Before The Party
Equestria's Black Swordsman
A Rainbow in the Snow