Humanized Ponies! 3,475 members · 5,624 stories

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What is a Humanized Pony?

A Humanized Pony story is where it features the characters from the show in a parralel universe where all of the inhabitants in Equestria are now Humans instead of Ponies, this transformation ranges from Twilight to Discord, including Spike, Gilda and even Trixie!

Equestria Girl stories are accepted!

Comments ( 93 )
  • Viewing 74 - 93 of 93

Yo, I have a dark fic here. Can I add my story?

I'm putting this everywhere I can incase it's not just a rumor.

Hiya - uh, I have an EqG fanfic, but idk what to do with it in this group. Any help? 😅😁

i love your avatar!!!!

So I was thinking, not totally original but having an Equestria Girls AU with Humans, Elves, and Angles for Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi. I really want to write my fics in this AU, but I got no fic to write.

Hi there i'am new to this group
Humanized clopfic request. Hi! I was wondering if someone could write a humanized clop story based off this picture?(see link above) Basically it would be a foursome between one guy, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, and Fluttershy in the Sauna of the Spa that Rarity and Fluttershy have weekly trips to in various fics. Basically they invited Sunset Shimmer along and meet a guy when they go into the Sauna. Make it so that the spa has unisex rooms if you need a reason for the girls and guy to be in the Sauna together. Basically they talk for a bit but Rarity notices the guys erection which is quite large. I'm not talking horse hung but larger than average at least. Anyways, one thing leads to another and they start banging like animals in heat. I'll let how they get to that point up to whoever wants to undertake this. He must have sex with all 3 of them and make it lengthy so people have time to enjoy it. Foreplay, or the girls getting frisky with eachother while the guy is occupied with one of them. Like I said I'll leave the details of the clop part up to whoever writes it.

Saw you liked Wrestling A Rainbow, so if any of you are interested, I got the next story in the series, The Fluttershy Effect out and ready to read.

Joined because my "Equestria Girls" redux got featured as well without me getting a notice. Thanks anyway.


I think it's the top of her Stenson. :raritywink:

(in head) (he-he this ought to be interesting) AMAZING A BOOBIE TRAP THAT ACTUALLY CATCHES BOOBIES.
(REFERENCE) optimus prime during the season 2 episode prime target.

401578 I get this reference, Monsters INC.

376535 Where did you get the new banner!? I've seen something like that somewhere...

Why is AJ's figure a unicorn in the picture?

  • Viewing 74 - 93 of 93