• Member Since 9th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen June 22nd

the show off


Today is my birthday 🎈🎈🎉🎁🎂 · 2:55pm Feb 15th, 2019

Well today is my birthday I would really like it if I got some happy birthday comments either here or on my main page

Report the show off · 300 views · #Birthday
Comments ( 131 )
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Thanks for the follow.

Thank you for following me.

Hey there, Show Off, I'm alive and back! I figured I'd give you a heads up on the most recent update to my story.... that is if you haven't forgotten about it... It has been three years since I've picked up my pen. If you're still interested in reading my work, I'd love for you to enjoy it.


Thanks for the watch

Thanks for the follow.

  • Viewing 127 - 131 of 131
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