• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2012
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Equestria Buck Yeah


More reviews! · 2:31am Jun 10th, 2019

Okay! Time for more words of wisdom! I haven't seen the past episode, but I'll do that at some point this week. I'll be brief here with the reviews as best I can remember too.

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Report Equestria Buck Yeah · 436 views ·
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Alright, I'll send something later.

You can send it if you want, but I can't promise when I'd be getting to it. I told myself a week or two ago that I was going to put up some more episode reviews and.......yeah. :unsuresweetie:

That's understandable.

At the very least, would you be willing to read an idea for something that could be incorporated into a future fic, or is that a bit much as well?

Heya, didn't even see this for a week, sorry! Been busy grinding the shit out of FF14. Also why I haven't written any reviews or anything in a few months. I should fix that. I'm wondering if I'm even going to do a couple trilogies that I had lined up which would come together into a single story at the end. Hell, I've been wanting to Get started on the Sweat 3 side story and I haven't gotten off my ass yet, so as far as requests go, I'm not the one to ask. Sorry. :\

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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