• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen July 17th


Better than Nicholas Sparks. Probably. Probably not. Also has a thing for Queen Chrysalis. Can't Explain Why.


Season 8 animatic released, and.... · 5:40pm Sep 9th, 2017

Bug Horse Waifu has returned.

Will the mighty Queen finally be redeemed, or will she get defeated once and for all? Fingers crossed for the former, but I wouldn't put it past the show to go Sombra on her. Hope not.

Report MaxBeezy · 673 views ·
Comments ( 110 )
  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110

Merry Christmas n' Happy Hearth's Warming

He was last online a few months ago, he's still around every once in a while it seems. Hope you and him are doing well, I just noticed you've been offline for a few months as well.

Just a well wisher here to give appreciation. Thank you for sharing your stories. The one about Harshwinny helped me get through and awful breakup.

Wherever you are, hope you're doing well.

Yo dude you still ther

Happy new year. May 2020 be a memory filled one.

  • Viewing 106 - 110 of 110
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