• Member Since 9th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 8th, 2016


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Stories for adoption · 4:47am Jan 16th, 2016

Hello all,

I am afraid that, due to a lack of interest in FiM, wanting to write my own stories, and being kind of an awful person, I'm afraid I cannot finish some of the stories I put up on this site. Some stories I feel a bit ashamed of, as well (but I deleted those).

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Report NotRamjet97 · 279 views ·
Comments ( 68 )
  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68

Making lunch. You?

Hey, can we do the PM thing? Its easier.

:rainbowlaugh: lol that'd be pretty funny.


I guess. At the very least have them on their dog tags.

Ugh! Sorry, but my tablet is being an asshole and won't load the fic right now.

  • Viewing 64 - 68 of 68
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