• Member Since 24th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Creed Miles

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News · 5:33am Dec 7th, 2012

I'm gonna be posting a new chapter relatively soon named Failed Spells and Unsent Letters and have decided that i will work on a darker fic at the same time to let out some anger. it will be a crossover between Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Adam Jenson and Dishonored's Corvo Attano (open to suggestions on a title)

Report Creed Miles · 632 views ·

Ideas please feel free to take. Do them justice.

romance with an oc with shapeshifting (not changling) abilities and 6-7 multiple personalities (7th being the original and comatose) unaware of each other each falling for one of mane 6 and are fallen for in return. Romance tragedy tag

pony unjustly sentenced to tatarus for the murder of his wife (he was framed also during trial the real culprit lied and took the stand saying that his wife had an affair with him thus he knows that she was sexually assulted) breaks out with the powers of hell and goes for revenge. Dark tag

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Thanks so much for the fave :)

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Thank you for the fav:duck:

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