• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 21st, 2013



Birthday Book Recommendation · 8:59pm Nov 23rd, 2012

Hello Everypony.

Have you ever read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, by Laini Taylor?

You should. I don't feel like writing because I am too busy celebrating with my dozens of loving friends (hah. Just kidding. I'm sitting at home, all alone, reading and listening to some pathetically awful music in french.) but that is a good book. I think it might be a good change for all you silly little pony-loving Angels to read.

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775659 conversation from the grave

are you still around your stores are great and would love to read more

Hey. How are you? You haven't been seen on the site for a while. You all right?

Hey there just wondering if you will be updating How to raise a filly. it's a great story and would love to see more! :moustache:

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