• Member Since 7th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 15th, 2013


I'm an 18 year old Canadian pegasister.my favorite ponies are Derpy and Vinyl Scratch, BG pony wise, and Fluttershy in the mane cast category

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Comments ( 9 )
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Hey, thanks for favoriting my story One of Us. I'm glad you are enjoying the story thus far. I just started a two week vacation and plan on getting a lot of writing done over this break, so keep an eye out :twilightsmile:

193155 :ajsmug: No problem. It was good. the only issue I had was that Dinky didn't really act like a kid but that's OK. Kids are hard to write well

Thank you so much for favoriting, "Derpy Who? The Story of My Life! It really means a lot to me:twilightsmile: I hope you enjoyed the story, and look forward to the sequel! Thanks again, and have a great day :pinkiehappy:

~Cabral095 (AR)


Derpy not understanding it kinda makes it even worse

Well, yeah, that's kind of my point; it was handled in a gentle and considerate enough manner that if Derpy did understand, it wouldn't constitute as rape.

If you stopped right there, I recommend you just skip over that paragraph (and the next one if that stuff really bothers you), because the rest of it isn't nearly as dark, and the heart of the story really lies in that first chapter.

In any case, I left a (long and scrutinizing) review on your fic, so that's there for you whenever you've got the time! :twilightsmile:

144697 Derpy not understanding it kinda makes it even worse :applejackunsure:. Also I think you need a refresher on the sad vs dark tags. for instance; Say RD dies, That would be sad, but If she was murdered, dark. Sad is an act of god, Dark is caused by another person/ pony/ again not a personal attack.

And sure why not, I'll give your story a second chance, since you seem to be a good guy. I'll skip ahead to the next chapter, if you give me a rundown of the first one. I suggest you read Derpy's Deal with a Devious Deity, if you're gonna read one of mine. I'm not a great writer but it's definitely my better one.

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