Two OCs: Civil Servant and Swift Night
My OC Pony: Civil Servant
Stories in progess
-Two Lives Becoming One: working on the last few chapters
-The Moon and Stars
-A Sombra/Luna story - sad, tradegy
-A sad fic about Soarin' colthood with Princess Celestia, related to Parenthood.
Top Favourites
A Good Sister As Scootaloo starts to look up to her more and more, Rainbow Dash wonders if she can be a good sis. 3,837 words · 73 · 2
Mothers Scootaloo asks Rainbow Dash a shocking question, one which causes her to start questioning herself. 9,181 words · 2,024 · 33
Soarin' with Rainbows Soarin and Rainbow Dash spend time together at the gala... who knows where this may lead. 686 words · 71 · 3
Top Favourites (9-10)
What Mommies Do A story about Rainbow Dash's relationship with her mother at different points in her childhood. 12,870 words · 170 · 11
A Dash of Fire Spitfire and Rainbow Dash meet after Dash visits Derpy on her 10th anniversary. 10,964 words · 89 · 7
Post Nuptials The wedding might be over, but emotions are still running high for many that were involved. 33,259 words · 2,489 · 67
Make a Wish When Scootaloo is diagnosed with a fatal illness, Rainbow Dash will do anything to save her. 18,800 words · 834 · 21
Soarlight Series
Two Lives Becoming One A collection of stories about Soarin's life, his marriage, and his family. 55,945 words · 201 · 17
Parenthood Twilight tries to comfort her husband Soarin as he is haunted by his past. 4,000 words · 90 · 6
Please continue Two Lives Becoming One! I want to know what happens!!!!!!
What's the status on your stories? Would be nice to know if they're dead, or just on hiatus.
Yes, I am so sorry for the sudden stop, a lot of stuff with school and everything. I am trying to get back into writing.
Thanks to Two Lives Becoming One SoarinLight is now my OTP. Thank you for that. And the soarlight fanfic I'm writing will probably use several elements of your story. Like Twi's dad hating Soarin's guts at first.
Have you taken a break from writing?