• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


German , Trying to write something worth while. Everyone start small after all. Enjoy the Story fellow Bronys (^///-///^)/)

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  • Wednesday
    hi, everyone a update to things

    Unfortunately my last 6 month where a desaster when I was let go, I still probably have to go to court over the money I am owned.
    Last 2 years I worked as driver for documents and other stuff.
    Particularly worked many hours due to shortness of drivers in the company.
    Anyway my financial problems stuck up and so I have to work minimum wager in a new company.
    Bearly no free time for my love and passion Fimfiction.

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    2 comments · 30 views
  • 9 weeks
    Cynder story gain more pony words

    15.000 words for my Cynder story. Massiv inspiration I got over the last two days, writing in between working and studying.
    Unfortunately proofreading will be hell.
    Can't even usually relay on Google docs at the first 2-3 read though because it has a tendency to change words and ruine sentences.

    Anyway I will indeed step back from Fimfiction for at least a week.
    Comments will be all I write at best.

    Have a great weekend :twilightsmile:

    Stay snuggly :twilightsheepish:

    0 comments · 75 views
  • 10 weeks
    General update,Little free time

    When I don’t study for my new job that seem to not move along, I de-stress with writing stuff on my Fimfiction stories.
    Currently I write a little here or there, but I feel like I get nowhere.

    I tried the last 5 weeks to work on my Selene story, but I don’t like what I come up with and have to contemplate its next chapter.

    My Mass Effect story needs hours if bit days in proofreading and adding of humor, it's sounds horrible dry to myself somehow.

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    2 comments · 54 views
  • 14 weeks
    Really bad news, request for help!

    There was a error in the editing of the chapter 7 of my Marksaline story.
    The result was losing the chapter content.
    Has anyone a copy of my Marksaline story stored somewhere?!
    Otherwise the chapter 7 is lost...

    8 comments · 157 views
  • 15 weeks
    I am in a naughty mood~♡

    The titel already giving you hopes?
    Time to continue the Changeling Empress adventure.
    Some clop, tons of proofreading, continuation of the storyline.
    Also I see i just made 1 update 2023 for that story.
    Really wasted that year working to hard...


    I proofreading recently alot of my stories, fixed a lot of typos even after years... :facehoof:

    So now it's going to be probably 1-3 updates for Selene and her Zebra herd.

    Any request?

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    4 comments · 98 views

hi, everyone a update to things · 7:50am Last Wednesday

Unfortunately my last 6 month where a desaster when I was let go, I still probably have to go to court over the money I am owned.
Last 2 years I worked as driver for documents and other stuff.
Particularly worked many hours due to shortness of drivers in the company.
Anyway my financial problems stuck up and so I have to work minimum wager in a new company.
Bearly no free time for my love and passion Fimfiction.

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Comments ( 175 )
  • Viewing 171 - 175 of 175

Oh okay cool and that sounds good and great and what fanfics are you reading by the way?

Music and listening to Fimfiction stories via Text to Speech.

Not really, cars are none of my hobbies. Best i know about cars is if i play a racing game or i read a manual because my used car is making trouble.

Yeah I will thanks and are you doing any fun at all today? Have you ever heard of the Volo Auto Museum too?

  • Viewing 171 - 175 of 175
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