• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


German , Trying to write something worth while. Everyone start small after all. Enjoy the Story fellow Bronys (^///-///^)/)

More Blog Posts87

  • 2 weeks
    Cynder story gain more pony words

    15.000 words for my Cynder story. Massiv inspiration I got over the last two days, writing in between working and studying.
    Unfortunately proofreading will be hell.
    Can't even usually relay on Google docs at the first 2-3 read though because it has a tendency to change words and ruine sentences.

    Anyway I will indeed step back from Fimfiction for at least a week.

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    0 comments · 55 views
  • 3 weeks
    General update,Little free time

    When I don’t study for my new job that seem to not move along, I de-stress with writing stuff on my Fimfiction stories.
    Currently I write a little here or there, but I feel like I get nowhere.

    I tried the last 5 weeks to work on my Selene story, but I don’t like what I come up with and have to contemplate its next chapter.

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    2 comments · 32 views
  • 7 weeks
    Really bad news, request for help!

    There was a error in the editing of the chapter 7 of my Marksaline story.
    The result was losing the chapter content.
    Has anyone a copy of my Marksaline story stored somewhere?!
    Otherwise the chapter 7 is lost...

    8 comments · 132 views
  • 8 weeks
    I am in a naughty mood~♡

    The titel already giving you hopes?
    Time to continue the Changeling Empress adventure.
    Some clop, tons of proofreading, continuation of the storyline.
    Also I see i just made 1 update 2023 for that story.
    Really wasted that year working to hard...


    I proofreading recently alot of my stories, fixed a lot of typos even after years... :facehoof:

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    4 comments · 77 views
  • 8 weeks
    Update and accidentally publishing

    Chapter special:
    Pantyhose Warrior - 'The Bad Dragon' is a Breezee?

    The over 7000 word chapter isn't done, I miss clicking. The editing button is still without space beside the publishing one :facehoof:

    Mostly proofreading and some line I have to change up near the end. Probably editing some humor in as well.

    Perhaps done in a hour. We shall see.

    Stay snuggly :pinkiesmile:👍

    3 comments · 48 views

General update,Little free time · 9:35pm May 16th

When I don’t study for my new job that seem to not move along, I de-stress with writing stuff on my Fimfiction stories.
Currently I write a little here or there, but I feel like I get nowhere.

I tried the last 5 weeks to work on my Selene story, but I don’t like what I come up with and have to contemplate its next chapter.

My Mass Effect story needs hours if bit days in proofreading and adding of humor, it's sounds horrible dry to myself somehow.

Instead have a preview of a Cynder story update, because my muse was funny that way...


As the chaotic Travel-Portal opened did right away was clear that something gone wrong, because Portals are not supposed to be sucking like a 2 bit whore on a 3 bit client.

After a minute of panicking and spell preperations of the royal sisters to plug the seeming hole in reality that sucked atmosphere and dirt and lose leafy remains into it, suddenly the suction stopped.
Though what came next wasn't very assuring, matter of fact the royal sisters looked at something neon pink that had apparently placed itself inches away from the portal.

Than it seem to move before the visible limit of the other side of the portal, until a big round blue colored, but squid like eye looked through the hole in reality directly at the creatures on the other side of the portal.
A gurgling chuckling was to hear for a moment and the neon pink creature seem to shake in delighted giggling.

Four hoove wide neon pink tentacles seem to move out the portal that was slightly bigger than one Alicorn sized traveling being needed to be and stretch it to twice its size.

At this point all 4 royal sisters shouted out Discords name. The draconequus prepared to snap his Griffon Talon to close the failed travel portal, apparently he accidentally opening a traveling portal to Canterlot in the wrong dimension, a honest mistake that hadn't happen for quite some time.
Only to hesitate to close it with a snap of a talon, when a fifth tentacle shoved apparently a glob through the opening between their world and this things world.

Than came another tentacle when the fifth prior tentacle retreated, again putting a pink object before the 4 equine royal family members and the chaos god.
This repeated until there were 4 little globs of something very pink-ish was placed before the portal on the Equestrian site.

The 4 tentacle that were used to stretching the limit of the portal size out to accommodate something, keep the portal open that started to flicker with unstable chaos magic. It tentacles seem to wiggle in discomfort and retreated, but before the portal closed on its own, a single tentacle slimmer yet more smoother emerged out the portal, 'booped' the four globs that it put on the ground and retrieve its last tentacle, before the portal finally collapse and the hole in reality that Discord accidentally created to fast travel to Canterlot closed up as if it never existed in the first time and place somewhere in space between reality.

Somewhere, somewhen, something smiled in delight. This was going to be fun.

Cynder stated helpfully:
"Well that happend."

Just to make the silence go away for a moment.

Discord levitate the globs of pink-ish something to himself and turned it around to have a better view of the objects.
4 different globs all bright pink, but one was kinda fluffy like cotton candy, one was hard like a smooth pink stone, with one being only half the size if the others and the last wiggle around animated without care in the world.

Nightmare Moon suggested to not poke the pink globs of unknown things, usually horrors from the beyond didn't exactly are known for bringing gifts into other worlds, that didn't backfire somehow.

Discord disagree in that assessment, he looked amused at the globs of pink and snapped his tail tip four times in fast succession, unfortunately without the globs getting seemingly effected. Discord looked confused at his tail tip, he repeated it with his Manticore paw and the pink globs lost some if it's bright pinkness, becoming smoother sphere like objects.
Than he ask the royal Alicorn sister to touch eatch one pink glob.

Chrysalis raised a questioning eyebrow at her chaotic brother in law, 4 globs yet her Alicorn sisters where to touch them and she was not to... why?

The Alicorn mares stared at him as if he lost his marbles, something that he rolled his eyes at, until they fell out of his sockets for comedic effect. When Discord picked up his eyes and placed them back in his sockets, he ask them again to eatch touch one of the peaceful pink globs.

The sisters know the difference between peaceful and harmless and ask him why they should eatch touch the pink globs from outside their reality.

Discord scratched his chin, twirling his goatee and after a minute answer with a word as if it explained everything in detail:

Chrysalis and Cynder facepalmed with their right forehoof and foreclaw respectively.

Celestia give him a 'what the fuck' facial gesture and was waving her front hooves between the globs and Discord as if to point something out.

Luna just faceoalmed with a wing, before looking at Discord again and double wing palm at her disbelieve about the chaotic brother in law, that was playing the silly god on occasion.

Nightmare scrunched up her muzzle as if she bite into a lemon. It looked really adorable.

The Apple-Pear ponies BrightMac and Pear Butter just give up on making sense of Discord.

After another minute of Discord patience waiting for them to do it, Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes moved to the fluffy looking pink glob and touched it.
It started to shine, wiggle around and than puffed out of existence for a split second before a pink very fluffy earth pony foal stand in place of the glob prior position.

The alicorn mares looked at it quizzingly with a adorable head tilt as if the change of viewing angle would give them some deep insight into this random development.

Chrysalis just looked at the pink fluffy filly gaping, it radiated joy and love in vast amounts out.
A feast for any Changeling drone or a decent snack for a Changeling Queen.

The pink uberfluffy earthpony filly gasped auditable and than snuggle up to Nightmare Moon.
Nightmare Stellar Moon was very confused what just happened, but appreciate the cute pink snuggeling on one of her forehooves.

Chrysalis was slightly disappointed to not get cuddles by this adorable filly, but delighted in the free emotional food it radiated towards her surroundings.

Reluctant Luna touch the pink hard stone like glob and it poofed out of existence after kinda sucking the daylight into it for a moment.
With that a Pegasus filly crimson red/pink-ish filly smiling with a muzzle full of dragon sharp teeth smiled at Luna and snuggeld up to her.

That one radiated playful mischief and hunger. A strange combination to feel from the strange filly, at least for the emotivore shape-shifting queen Chrysalis.

Celestia give her sisters and brother in law a deadpan stare and refused to touch one of the globs, especially the ine that never stopped wiggling around.

At this point Chrysalis felt a bit left out and touched the wiggling glob instead of Celestia like Discord ask.

Discord was about a second to late to stop Chrysalis, upon the touch of the Changelings queen the wiggling pink glob stopped moving.
Chrysalis frowned, Discord frowned as well, Luna scratched her chin in question, Nightmare Moon shrugged in confusion and Celestia just continue to looked deadpan at this situation.

Discord sigh at this, he booped the mass after Chrysalis and a unicorn filly poofed into existence.
Discord disagree with the look of this filly, booped it horn and it become a earthpony filly, just like that fluffy one snuggeling up to his wife.

He moved over to the pegasi filly snuggeling up to Luna and booped its forehead.
To Discords confusion instead of one horn, two appear in a spiraling form around where the one horn was suppose to appear.

Discord had the feeling he shouldn't have sucked off the chaos magic of the Everfree Forest to empower himself, with his luck some poison joke effect get mixed into it. His magic was even more random than usually.

He would refrain from anything beyond self levitation and telekinesis until the poison joke magic run out in a week-ish time. Shouldn't last longer than 8 days and nights at most.

Finally only one glob remained and Luna, Nightmare, Chrysalis not to forget Discord looked waiting for Celestia to touch the smallest last remaining glob.

Celestia snorted her irration out and refused to play along.

Cynder had no idea what that was all about, but wanted them to move along. Canterlot had a few tasty gems that waited for her to be eaten.

So she walked over to the last glob and touched it, Cynder shuddered upon touching the last glob and something alongside the royal sisters link with Cynders magic core reacted.

The last glob changed into a pink Kirin winged filly, it looked confused around, only to become sleepy and take a nap.

Discord named the fluffy earthpony filly Fluffle Puff.
The 'normal' pink earthpony filly he changed from a unicorn to its current state he named Pinkie.
The winged bicorn Discord was responsible for was named Marksaline.
The last pink filly, the winged Kirin he named Cozy Glow.


Hope you enjoyed the rough next chapter or the one after that... we will see.

Have a good night :twilightsmile:

Stay snuggly :pinkiesmile:👍

Comments ( 2 )

You have to take a break. I'm very aware writing is consistency, but we authors have to take a time and stop writing completely some time. I think you shouldn't force yourself writing every time, despite you can change things later. As I said, take a break, maybe a few days, or a week, or even a month. Read something light, listen to some music...the less pression you put on yourself, the better and lighter your writing will be later.

Writing is my way to de-stress, that one of thr main reasons to write comments and stories.
Writing chapters is easy, proofreading out any typo and auto correction mistake is the problem eating most of my time :facehoof:

To bad my learning material isn't electronic but in hard print, otherwise I could learn it without straining eyes. Also text to speech is always faster that reading oneself.

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