Brittany's Equestria Girls! 109 members · 1,372 stories

Welcome to my Group where we discuss Equestria Girls!
Here's the rules! :heart:

No bullying
No posting inappropriate stories, pictures, and videos
Be nice
Respect others ideas and opinions
No swearing
If you are breaking any of theses rules, you'll receive suspension, probation, or banned
My YouTube channel:)
My Instagram!

Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 31 - 50 of 50

Congrats on the 800 stories posted on your group!

What can I say except, You're Welcome :twilightsmile:

It was me who added your story!

Thank you for the invite! :heart:

Thank you for the invite!

Thanks for the invite!:moustache:

Thanks for the invite! And good job with this responsibility (since this includes management of folders, stories, and people)!

Thank you very much for the invitation!

Thanks for the invite.

Somehow, I get the feeling that there was a deeper reasoning as to why you've invited me here. You were reading some of my blogs, weren't you? To be inviting people at random while obviously seeking help through fellowship seems unlikely without a good reason.

  • Viewing 31 - 50 of 50