• Member Since 6th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Shadic Midnight Blitzer

Writing occasionally here, posting art on Twitter and Deviantart, and posting music on Youtube. Still somehow finding myself stuck not knowing what to do lol XD

Links To My Other Pages!


Second Chapter of Collab Story Has Been Posted! · 10:18pm May 21st


So yeah, I think I'll definitely be putting effort into collab stories. However, I am still coming up with interesting ideas.

Close Friends Forever List

This is a list with all of my friends on it from the past to the future. Some I've not talked to in a while, some I do on a hour basis. If you're not on the list, then either we haven't gotten to know each other well to be considered 'friends' (you'd probably still be my acquaintance), I forgot to add you (long list really) have yet to add you (will be updating this!) or you're under another name

Will be using nicknames!

- Redn'Blue
- Inks
- Haybringer
- Marc
- Gal
- Kod
- Shimmer
- Coco
- Minty
- Zafire
- Talon
- Bea
- Mox
- Breeze
- Kiro
- Emo
- xiouxy
- Hanzal
- Pike
- Kirin
- Derpsy
- Sister Tia
- Techno

My All Time Favorites That I Would Watch If They Were An Anime

Comments ( 347 )
  • Viewing 328 - 347 of 347

Thanks for the watch. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, just friend me on Discord then

Yeah I guess so. Though I honestly feel that it's kind of dead.

You could alternatively friend me on Discord via the server. Then we can frequently chat.

Mind if I join your discord server? i need to start being more social with my friends on here

Ok, then it is easily recognizable for me.

It is? When did that become the consensus?

Yes indeed. Your profile pic is iconic.

but i don't know who they are i've only been here a few months

I don't think there's a way to reverse

I lost my authentication device and I didn't write down the backup codes.

I lost my account, at least there wasn't much XD.

Thank you for adding 'The Legend of Broly' to your folder.:pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 328 - 347 of 347
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Ree (Don't Worry, Will Add Much Later)