• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Ocellus The Changeling

"And I thought this could be my chance to make an impression on everypony. You know, for something other than changing shape"- Ocellus

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"And I thought this could be my chance to make an impression on everypony. You know, for something other than changing shape"- Ocellus


Top 10 Favorte MLP Character remake (Small Update) · 1:49am Nov 24th, 2023

1. Ocellus

2. Zipp Storm

3. Misty

4. Smolder

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Top 10 Favorite MLP Characters with Honorable Mentions · 2:08am Dec 2nd, 2021

1. Smolder

Tough, cool, and can get angry at time, but she is caring and have a soft side when you got to know her. And she a dragon, which I like.

2. Ocellus

Ocellus is one of those characters I glad to call a Sugarbug. She sweet, kind, smart and so innocent!

3. Silverstream

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Comments ( 715 )
  • Viewing 711 - 715 of 715

Hey bud, thanks for the fave on the Rednecks story. Appreicate it.

Thanks for favoring Spike's Kingdom

Thanks for the added bookmark!

Thanks for favoring Spike's New Adventure!

Thanks for adding one of my stories to your library

  • Viewing 711 - 715 of 715
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