• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Zipp Storm

A beginner writer who in honor of one of my favorite MLP New Generation characters, Zipp Storm, I decided to name my account after her.

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Other accounts

Quotev: Username - PikachuSkitty

Fanfiction: Username - Snow Nadder


Ten Scepters of Sanctuary · 5:34pm April 19th

The Ten Scepters of Sanctuary are 10 Magical Scepters created by Sarah Gem more than 200 years ago. Made as a way to control her ever growing magic and to only be used for the greatest good.

Scepters of Harmony

  1. Scepter of Celestial Radiance

    • Appearance: A gleaming golden scepter adorned with celestial motifs, with a radiant sunburst at its apex.
    • Powers and Abilities:

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Report Zipp Storm · 60 views ·
Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 116 - 135 of 135

Okay. I'll look at it soon

I shared the doc with you

Thank you for faving Of Flame and Shadow.:twilightsmile:

Your welcome. I love the plots to some of your stories. Maybe we could write one together someday.

Thank you so much for adding Equestria Girls: Sonic the Hedgehog to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

How are things with you?

Thank you for adding 'BlackWarGreymon: Warrior of Harmony' to your folder.:pinkiehappy:

in honor of one of my favorite MLP New Generation characters, Zipp Storm, I decided to name my account after her.

Oh my gosh, how sweet of you! :heart: I'll tell my sister you said hi~! :)

Yeah, but we'll see.

Hehehe, yeah. I know. Hopefully this story doesn't get banned.

Thanks. 🙂🎂

You deserve a smile, awesome possum!

Trying to spread more kindness around this site. Always here to bring the cheer. 😇💖

You're my friend-a-doodle now. Have a cookie! 🍪:rainbowkiss:

You ever need anything, I'm always around. 😌

  • Viewing 116 - 135 of 135
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