• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2021



Figuring things out. · 2:09am May 9th, 2018

Hey everyone!

Looks like my writing has ground to a halt again. I won't go into details, but this is for a couple of reasons:

1. Career choices I need to settle.
2. Graduate education choices I need to settle.
3. HBS Battletech is trying to consume me.

I'll be back as soon as I can! The Lunar Chalice needs finishing, and the short story series must go on!

Thanks for staying with me.

Report Spirals95 · 348 views · Story: The Lunar Chalice · #hiatus #patience #life

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Welcome to my page!

Here you'll find my stories that I've been writing for a few years. I hope you'll enjoy reading this long-running series as much as I enjoy writing it!

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Spoofs and Spinoffs

Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Miss you, friend, and hope life is treating you well.


Pronounced like it's two words, Tech-horse. Thanks for taking a look!

I was reading a bit of MLP: Retold when I came across Techorse, I have one question, how is his name supposed to be pronounced?

Thanks for the watch in return. I hope you enjoy my stories. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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