• Member Since 11th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Agent Everfree

Names Everfree, I am a dragon... or wait a pony? Okay so I have many different bodies but all you need to know is that I'm just some bad writer who never knows when to quit


Huh? · 7:14pm May 16th, 2015

How'd that happen?

I think there must be a mistake here.

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Thanks for adding Electro Swing to your favorites!

Thanks for Following me! :pinkiehappy:

I very much enjoy your stories. Hoping to see more shark ponies

Thank you for watching me, I hope that you enjoy my stories. :twilightsmile:

Their are very few souls stories that get my attention and follow the games lore or text well. So I was surprised and happy to see you're story. ) On another note as a traitor shining armor is not worthy of wearing the armor of Astora (I know its just a fun pic, but that armor is my main set)

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