Growing Pains is Cancelled · 10:23pm May 2nd, 2015
At the behest of a reader, I've decided to give you lot some peace of mind.
Growing Pains is officially cancelled, and I do not foresee myself going back to it anytime soon.
Avatar is of Ambar, a character from the comic Las Lindas by Challodillo.
At the behest of a reader, I've decided to give you lot some peace of mind.
Growing Pains is officially cancelled, and I do not foresee myself going back to it anytime soon.
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Good to see you back again... even if it is just to bring us another incomplete story.
So... Much... Unfinished...
~Skeeter The Lurker
Peroth E.,
What can I say... it was only by the recommendation of your story 'Growing Pains' that brought me to would I realize that I was a brony if not a (closet) brony. Being a seasoned and an avid Inuyasha fanfiction reader for the last 7 years since I found and; I have nothing but praise for your writing. Now I know that you get praise and flame for your writing style and update consistency; I want you to know that it was 'Growing Pains' that converted me to the Herd and I have read some awsome behemoths such as doggieearlover's Inuyasha fiction 'Live and Let Die' trilogy to's own Pen Stroke 'Past Sins'. 'Growing Pains' will that started me on the hoof-trodden path to Brony-dom and I have not looked back since.
of the Satoru Blue Tribe
This is the one writer whose stories I'd love to read, but at the same time, can't bring myself to do so. Akin to starting a drug, only to get cut off as soon as the addiction sets in. Growing Pains is the only incomplete story I can't help but come back to with false hope.