• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen July 8th


Lazy Assistant Language Teacher in Shizuoka(Silent Hill), Japan. Brony avatar created with General Zoi's Pony Creator V3 http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-v3-397808116


Giving April a Pass · 12:22am May 1st, 2014

Thanks to Knight of Lycaeus giving me helpful information on knighting and peerage, I've found myself reworking some of the plot. When you combine that with having to alter some dialogue to fit the slightly new direction while still keeping it as in-character as I can, then you can see that I've got quite a bit of work to do. Let's not forget the fact that a new school year has started here in Japan and with that comes all of the

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Report Omniscientearl · 432 views · Story: Aegis Amore ·

Attempts at Writing

Comments ( 4 )
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hope you update True Harmony soon

Has true harmony been abandoned:fluttercry:?

Are you planning on updating True Harmony any time soon?

First comment! Yay!

Well, anyways, I've been enjoying your single story or a little while now. I'll have to keep a good eye on it, not many make a Twilight alicornification fic where it's done gradually before. Good job so far, and i'm excited for the rest!

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