The State of Things (or: I'm Not Dead! Yay for Me!) · 6:11pm Mar 19th, 2015
So! It's been a while. ... Yeah, I have no good excuse for that whatsoever. Honestly, the only reason I'm writing this post right now is because I was taking a trip down nostalgia lane and opened up my user page for the first time in ages. It's not that I haven't been on the site or anything—it's that I've receded back into my default "read-only" mode, where I browse the site but don't really interact at all. I should probably try to break that habit.
Hey! Thanks for the favorite, I really appreciate it.
Thank you for favoriting Twilight Sparkle Pierces The Heavens!
Thank you for favoriting Twilight Sparkle Rides A Shark!
Thanks for the fav :D I appreciate it!
Do you have a story with potential, but only a few likes/views? Have you spent days working on something, but almost anyone noticed?
If you fit in one of these cases, or just want to read some nice stories, then you're more than welcome to join in The Hot Muffins Group
Every week, five stories are selected to be featured on my 'Featured Muffins' blog post. Also, with reviews and etc...
I wish you a nice day, and oh; have a follower for you! Feel free to return it or not.
- PedroHander