• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen February 19th


I'm a lot more egotistical than I have any right to be, seeing as how I'm only as unique as everyone else.


Welp. · 1:33am Apr 8th, 2014


I've been dead for awhile. I'm back now.

-proceeds to not do anything for another month.-

To be honest, I'unno what happened. I'll try to stay active here again, but it's not likely.

Anyways... to the stories!

Report Bawss · 409 views ·
Comments ( 32 )
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Thanks for the fave of 'Ciphers'! :)

Hey there! Thank you so much for placing my story The Railway Ponies: Highball on your Favorites bookshelf. I'm glad that you could smell the oil, feel the steam, and hear the song of steel.:pinkiesmile:


Heh. My first time back in a long while and I come back to something like 'frequency'. It was a good read, thanks for the (indirect :p) recommendation, and your little epilogue was a fitting end.

Definitely earned the fave, mate.

Hi again! Thanks for the fave! :)

Okay, tough guy...

*pulls out party cannon* Am I getting warmer? XD

  • Viewing 28 - 32 of 32
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