• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 3rd, 2023


A writer who writes things.


Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated · 11:44am Apr 3rd, 2023

Hello all,

Just got an email from Brony Soprano concerning my health (given that my last blog was about me getting Covid, I understand that some might be a bit jittery). Rest assured, I overcame Covid and am in good health lately (probably better health because I've started working out some).

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Comments ( 187 )
  • Viewing 183 - 187 of 187

Eee.... Your source that it's the same Pearson?

The wirter here posted a blog post that they're going to be a uncle a few months after that article was published.

Also he's 28(?) That muredrer guy is like 22.

To the others traveling to this page who that may know what happened to him, do enlighten me.

After but a decade in His service, he has succumb to the temptations of Chaos and left us. Woe to the heretic.

  • Viewing 183 - 187 of 187
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