Ships Names Need Help and updates · 1:23am Dec 29th, 2012
Ok, I have two problems both easily fixed. The first is do you people want the chapter now before it is preread and I will just reposted it after it is preread or wait for it? The second one I need help with naming the ships for both the Tau'ri and the Equestrian's. Before your name them here some rules, aka the names I have already, Thor, Enterprise (bet you didn't see that coming), The Ragnarok, Trottingham, Nightmare Lightning, Nightmare Thunder, and The Hammer of Asgard. Put you answer and
Thanks so much for the favorite on Legacy! I really appreciate it!
I hope that you had a good Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service, and know that you and your compatriots are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you for faving my story!
Thanks for the fav. May I ask what you like about it.
Thanks for the fave