• Member Since 24th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen June 23rd



Comments on season 7 episode 16 · 3:18am Aug 27th, 2017

So I just finished watching the latest episode, and I have a few comments.

So the first thing that came popped out to me was in the Misty mane story. Their horns...hey are all curved, and they all appear to be Asian. So does that that mean that curved horn=Asian? I wonder.

The second thing was in flash Magnus' story...was hat Amber's mom with (future?) Dragon Lord Torch... interesting.

Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Well hello to you too! no problem, you have great stuff!

Hey there! Thanks for the follow!

2425079 Or you were already present on the page of my story. That causes the notifications to be counted as 'read'.

2424934 hmm...Must be some kind of glitch since i hadn't gotten any notifications.

You don't seem to be aware of my replies so I'll post them here.

I went through the story for that bizarre issue. I found one more and fixed it.

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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