So Long I Guess – A Reflection on Old Times and Looking Forward and Beyond · 7:16pm Apr 11th, 2021
Hey, been a while, right?
Well, now that this journal is out, I figure I should speak my own truth.
I’m not really sure how to begin this one out, but I guess the first thing to do is to rip off the band aid.
I’m going to be completely honest and admit that I just can’t do this anymore.
I don’t normally write these, but cheers for the fave on Prism 🙂
No, thank YOU, and all the rest of the Spectrum crew, for writing one of my most favorite AUs in MLP fanfiction. Also, please update! I'm at that place known as "finally caught up and now have to wait for updates like everyone else" and it is not a pleasant experience.
1370154 Say, can you tell me how you got apart of the Spectrum Verse?
1369909 Good thank you.
1369615 How're you?