Thanks for the favourite on my story 'Winding up in Equestria'! If you've got any ideas/tips for me to add to the story please PM me. (I'm not that good a writing stories..)
Amongst the TreesWhat happens when a human enters Equestria, meets the ponies... and runs away from them? Who would he befriend instead? Under the canopy of the Everfree lies the TopHatsAndTea
17,507 words
· 316 · 7
Mob of The Dead: AftermathWeasel was ignored all his life. He had planned out the escape, and ensured the rest of his group's survival, yet they betrayed him, and murdered him on the bridge. Now, Weasel wakes up in a place where he can't be Juggernaut
21,588 words
· 138 · 5
Princess Celestia: The Changeling QueenThanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?by vren55
167,940 words
· 4,383 · 99
1206452 ..........................
Thanks for the favourite on my story 'Winding up in Equestria'! If you've got any ideas/tips for me to add to the story please PM me. (I'm not that good a writing stories..)
935143 I hope you do more things like that it was amazing
Hey, thanks for faving "The Conversion Bureau: The Final Moments"! I'm so glad you enjoyed