• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Lux Klonoa

General gamer. A Klonoa and Gran Turismo/Daiki Kasho fan, and the original concept creator of Super Rainbow Dash.


Kept you waiting, huh? · 3:11am Feb 14th, 2023


Apologies to the bronies who are still out there even after FiM ended for making you wait this long. Call it a combo of procrastination, making terrible mistakes, and constantly getting into drama with the Klonoa community. >_>

Just let me finish "AMLR" (my Klonoa fic) and I'll get back into it. I swear.

Report Lux Klonoa · 146 views ·
Comments ( 24 )
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When are we going to see something new?

2133482 I... think I already am. Karyu-no-Kiba is me on DA.

Don't forget to follow me on DA as well, as that is my base of operations. +P

Well! Finding the creator of one of my most favorite concepts in the fandom on this site just made my day.:rainbowdetermined2: Have a follow!

Comment posted by Lux Klonoa deleted Dec 12th, 2015
  • Viewing 20 - 24 of 24
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