• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago



To Do List

Nothing at the moment

I prefer Dark and Adventure.

I've done editor work on the following:
The Foal in the Basket (incomplete)
Erika Gefallen: Atlantean Unicorn (incomplete)
Halo: On the Wings of Angels (incomplete)
Among the Ruins (chapters 1-6)
:Demon: (one-shot: 09/05/2012)
Temple of the Stars (incomplete Completed: 03/21/2013)
Simulacrum (incomplete Completed: 12/20/2012)
Fallout Equestria: Dry Tinder (one-shot: 03/13/2013)
The Pale Land (incomplete Completed: 11/17/2014)
To Land Among the Stars (incomplete)
Conviction (incomplete)
Behind Closed Doors (incomplete)

Comments ( 51 )
  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51

:raritywink: Thanks for adding Like Mother, Like Daughter to you library.

Thanks for adding Fallout Girls to your library, I try to update every two weeks!

Thanks for adding The Lightning In Your Teeth to your favourites - I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

2390739 well if my own experience with xcom is anything to go by, I'm sure that xcom will either be in very good hands, or have no snipers very soon

Update: Doom Manta in my XCOM 2 Long War Campaign is XCOM's finest sniper. Also its only sniper.

  • Viewing 47 - 51 of 51
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